Your County Collector, Shawn Schlottach

Welcome to the Gasconade County Collector's homepage.
- Collects over $17 million in tax revenue annually.
- Disburses tax revenue to 48 taxing entities & funds (school, road, cities, fire districts, etc.).
- The County of Gasconade collects ad valorem Personal Property & Real Estate Taxes for all six Cities within Gasconade County that have a certified tax rate. City taxes for Hermann, Owensville, Bland, Rosebud, Gasconade & Morrison are included in the County Grand Total Tax.
- Prepares current & delinquent tax statements and collects for: Personal Property (cars, trucks, boats, etc.); Real Estate (residential, commercial, and agricultural); Rail Road & Utilities; Drainage/Levies, Merchant & Manufacture License; Duplicate Tax Receipts and issues Tax Exempt Waivers. Conducts delinquent tax sale in August.
- Collector is charged with the duties of collecting the taxes due, as shown on the Assessor's records, and then distributes the funds monthly to the various taxing entities.
- Maintains seven years of primary tax records. Prior years are microfilmed and may be viewed at the Gasconade County Historical Society, Archives and Records Center, 315 Schiller St., Hermann, MO.
Office Information
- Tax Statements are mailed the second week of November each year. If you do not receive your statement by the end of November, please contact our office immediately.
- Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve one of their obligation to pay taxes when due, including applicable late fees.
- Inspect your statements to verify that mailing address, vehicles and legal descriptions are correct. Return bottom portion of statement with payment.
- To avoid penalty and interest your payment must be postmarked no later than December 31st. Payments postmarked after December 31st will be returned unprocessed unless penalty and interest are included.
- Delinquent tax years must be paid before current taxes.
- Payments can be made in person, by mail, outside drop box located at top of the courthouse ramp, online at this website or by phone at 1-800-652-0405 (must have Tax Statement present). Payment may be made with cash (in person only), check/money order/cashier check/certified check, or credit/debit card with a convenience fee charge.
- Multiple bills may be paid with one check.
- The Collector of Revenue has no authority to make any changes or additions to the tax statement without the County Assessor's intervention.
- Tax payments are made with the understanding that the County Collector will not be responsible should you make payment of taxes on property other than your own or omit making payment on property you own.
We sincerely hope you find this site easy to navigate and that it provides a service to you. Thank you for visiting the site. We welcome suggestions for improvement. Please revisit and watch for new additions in the future.
Contact Us
Office Number: 573-486-2711
Fax Number: 573-486-4052
Office Hours
Monday thru Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Closed Christmas Day - December 25, 2023 (Observed) Closed New Years Day - January 1, 2024 (Observed) |
Location & Mailing Address
Gasconade County Collector of Revenue
Shawn Schlottach 119 East First Street, Room 4 Hermann, MO 65041 |
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